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Texas Medical Card Appointments

Money back if you don’t qualify

Offer Good Until 9/30/2024

Try Our Easy Pre-qualification Exam

Qualifying conditions for a Medical Card


Parkinson's Disease

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)


Intractable Epilepsy

Many Seizure Disorders

An Incurable Neurodegenerative Disease


Additionally, Texas law allows a physician to certify patients for a medical marijuana card after diagnosing them with “other medical conditions of the same class”.

How It Works

Book An Appointment

Schedule your initial or follow-up appointment with DocMJ on a day and time that is convenient for you. Check the qualifying health conditions list to ensure you have a diagnosis that makes you eligible for a medical card. This is a no-risk appointment, we provide a 100% money-back guarantee if you do not qualify.

Meet With a Doctor

You will receive an email link for your telemedicine appointment. A friendly DocMJ doctor will consult with you and talk about your symptoms, medications, and wellness goals. This is also an excellent opportunity to learn how medical marijuana can improve your life.

Get Approved

When approved, you will receive a prescription for medical cannabis. Your physician will enter the prescription into the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT).

Paid in Full

  • Money-Back Guarantee If You Do Not Receive a Recommendation
  • Medical Cannabis Prescriptions
  • Prescription Refills and Adjustments Included for 12 Months
  • All-Inclusive, No Additional Hidden Fees.
$149 $99

Easy Monthly Payments

  • Money-Back Guarantee If You Do Not Receive a Recommendation
  • Medical Cannabis Prescriptions
  • Prescription Refills and Adjustments Included for 12 Months
  • All-Inclusive, No Additional Hidden Fees
  • Easy Monthly Payments – Cannot be Cancelled Until The Initial 6-Month Commitment is Complete
  • **One-Time handling Fee of $20
$30 / month for 6 months**

3 Month Introductory Trial

  • Money-Back Guarantee If You Do Not Receive a Prescription
  • Full Medical Cannabis Recommendations With Prescription
  • Prescription Refills and Adjustments Included for 3 Months
  • All-Inclusive, No Additional Hidden Fees
  • Easy Monthly Payments – Cannot be Cancelled Until the Initial 3-Month Commitment is Complete
$79 / for 3 months


How old must you be to get a Texas medical card?
All qualified patients are eligible for a medical marijuana prescription. Minors require a parent or guardian caregiver before they may participate in the medical marijuana program. The state of Texas does not issue a medical card; however, your prescription is available in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT).
How often do I have to renew my Texas medical card?
Texas medical marijuana certificates are good for up to one year. However, patients are required to schedule an annual follow-up appointment with the physician to review or update the recommendation prior to the expiration date provided.
How much does a Texas medical card cost?
DocMJ provides access to medical marijuana and better health for $189 or a convenient monthly payment plan. We offer discounts to military veterans. We offer discounts to military veterans.

Unlike other states, patients do not have to pay an additional fee to the Texas MMJ patient registry. The physician will create the prescription in CURT, and the patient is not required to pay a registration fee to the State.

Can I get a medical card if I am under 18?
Minors with qualifying health conditions are eligible to join the patient registry and receive a Texas medical marijuana prescription.
What if I lose my Texas Medical Card?
Since there is no card to lose, you have nothing to worry about. Anytime you want to look at your details on the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas, you can log in securely to your profile for more information.

Still Have Questions?
Call Our Patient Care Coordinators
(713) 668-9993